Thursday 2 September 2010

Money Making - Think I can, and You will

Do you ever have thoughts that you can’t do, even after saying to yourself initially that you can?

Yes, this is usual, because when you initially set out to do something, you are filled with the enthusiasm and hope and the energy flows, and from within, you know that you can, if you persist in the challenges.

However, as time goes on, you face various issues and it begins to feel that you are paddling this “heavy boat” all alone at times.

Now, know that part of life is learning to cope with the challenges, and understanding that when you go through them, they strengthen you and you are more experienced than before.

So, anytime you have a thought of "I can’t" or doubt begins to creep in as you progress your vision, immediately you should say “I can, therefore I will”, or I will what I will to be.

Creating lifestyle starts from within, and you can get all your resources here at:

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