Wednesday 28 July 2010

Money Making -- Mind Determinations

Do you sometimes feel that fear is creeping up on you, when things don’t quite go according to your plans?

Yes, there are lots of others who feel the same too, at one time or another, and we all go through this in life at different stages, which is part of human nature.

However, the key thing in this case is to recognise that feeling of fear beginning to creep up and do something pretty quick. Don’t allow it to settle in your consciousness, because if you do, it takes root, and by the time you know it, its root spreads into all other areas of your life, which can be a very difficult situation to get out of.

As soon as you notice fear coming up on you, in anything you do, you can do a few things to nip it in the bud.

1) Affirm that you are in Control and that fear has no place in your Life
2) Meditate on your feelings, so that you can unearth the underlying beliefs you have that are causing the fear.
3) Make a determined effort that you will not settle for the fear, and make some time to find out more information about what you are worried about
4) When you have found out all the relevant information, weigh out the consequences, it may not be as bad as your fear, and with informed choices then…proceed to stage 5 below.
5) Make a decision based on your information findings and be bold to act upon it, knowing that Inner mind is guiding you to the right choices for you.
6) Once you make a decision, do not go back in fear, just keep your action in the direction you have chosen and be determined to make it a success, even if you have to go through various hoops. If you persevere, you will eventually succeed.

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