When you start out on any marketing with your tasks and actions, especially for the longer term of your business success, just like any other, then building lasting relationships really becomes a very important factor in your marketing arrangements, especially if you're going to go into joint partnership promotions and product creation.
You see, anything related to marketing that you do successfully hinges on building good lasting relationships because as you do, you gain people's trust to buy from you and to remain as your customers. When you have loyal repeat customers, you have a thriving business that grows as you nurture and take care of them. So your relationship with your customers and prospects is the key to keeping your hard work afloat.
Just take a look at the moral behind the story below:
Years ago, there was a man who had a thriving publishing business with loyal customers that he usually sends regular mailings each month for over 15 years. Most of his customers were always eager to receive his publication and happy to purchase whatever he recommended, being that they know his standards.
One day however, he had an idea that sounded good at the time, to promote another's product that was really unknown to him (based on a friend’s recommendation) and which would have made him a high profit margin. In this case he didn't even have to do anything, all that was required of him was to allow the product owner to use his mailing list with his recommendation, and for this, he would get some "attractive" commission. In this case he also never even tried to test the product before mailing.
Well, soon after the promotion to his customers, you can guess what happened, he had complaints upon complaints, about this product. For him, this was an eye opener as he had never done this sort of thing before. If he had, the first thing to have done was to test this physical product to see if it worked and then perhaps follow this up with some relevant questions.
Now, what do you think happened soon after?
His customers that he had built up slowly but steadily over 15 years left him in droves, cancelled their subscriptions, and went elsewhere. All for the sake of one single promotion that he didn't think carefully about. He didn't think about the effect on his Customer Relationship. Now, this is just one example but it goes to show that your customer relationship should be treasured.
Okay, getting back to Marketing Promotion and Customer Relationship, in summary here are points to help you in building the Relationship Feelings into your Marketing or any other Promotion or services you offer.
You see, anything related to marketing that you do successfully hinges on building good lasting relationships because as you do, you gain people's trust to buy from you and to remain as your customers. When you have loyal repeat customers, you have a thriving business that grows as you nurture and take care of them. So your relationship with your customers and prospects is the key to keeping your hard work afloat.
Just take a look at the moral behind the story below:
Years ago, there was a man who had a thriving publishing business with loyal customers that he usually sends regular mailings each month for over 15 years. Most of his customers were always eager to receive his publication and happy to purchase whatever he recommended, being that they know his standards.
One day however, he had an idea that sounded good at the time, to promote another's product that was really unknown to him (based on a friend’s recommendation) and which would have made him a high profit margin. In this case he didn't even have to do anything, all that was required of him was to allow the product owner to use his mailing list with his recommendation, and for this, he would get some "attractive" commission. In this case he also never even tried to test the product before mailing.
Well, soon after the promotion to his customers, you can guess what happened, he had complaints upon complaints, about this product. For him, this was an eye opener as he had never done this sort of thing before. If he had, the first thing to have done was to test this physical product to see if it worked and then perhaps follow this up with some relevant questions.
Now, what do you think happened soon after?
His customers that he had built up slowly but steadily over 15 years left him in droves, cancelled their subscriptions, and went elsewhere. All for the sake of one single promotion that he didn't think carefully about. He didn't think about the effect on his Customer Relationship. Now, this is just one example but it goes to show that your customer relationship should be treasured.
Okay, getting back to Marketing Promotion and Customer Relationship, in summary here are points to help you in building the Relationship Feelings into your Marketing or any other Promotion or services you offer.
Understand that building a lasting relationship is for a lifetime, so be mindful of your customers needs, especially if you market to different niches. Always offer value for money and any products or services must be worth their value in conveying benefits to your customer’s specific needs.
Convey gratitude to your customers or prospects and make them feel that you care. People appreciate the simple words of “Thank You”, and you can do this at various intervals throughout the year, especially at seasons of Good Will.
Within your own Mind, always have a picture serving your customers and see yourself as meeting their very needs. This helps crystallize your mind on providing the best for your customers, hence maintaining a lasting relationship for your business.
Convey gratitude to your customers or prospects and make them feel that you care. People appreciate the simple words of “Thank You”, and you can do this at various intervals throughout the year, especially at seasons of Good Will.
Within your own Mind, always have a picture serving your customers and see yourself as meeting their very needs. This helps crystallize your mind on providing the best for your customers, hence maintaining a lasting relationship for your business.
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