Did you realise that the ever present flow of energy is already within you to start creating whatever objective you truly set your inner mind to?
Well, the first thing is to be sure that this objective is something that comes from deep within you, i.e. an inner desire, perhaps something you’ve always wanted to do but had been discouraged, never the less, deep down it has always been your aim.
When I mean an inner objective, it’s not something that you’ve been talked into, or something you do to please others, or even something you like others to believe you want… etc etc…no no, it has to a burning desire, because this is really what sets your creative energy SPARKING, as you concentrate the “will of your consciousness” to “nurture it daily”.
So you set your mind on something, you nurture it, you go though all the challenges but however the main objective is held firmly in place in your mind as a definite target, (don’t change your mind on the ultimate objective you want from day to day, as this is just the same as scattering your energy forces and getting nowhere) you refine your actions as you go along, learning from your experiences and eventually ….ALAS … you get there.
While on your journey, just like the seeds planted in the ground, you don’t keep stirring up the soil every few minutes to see if it’s sprouting….no no…., you just take it a little step at a time, firmly believing that this energy power is on your side, and if its an intention stirred from within then it will work for you.
So now you know, that whatever you drive with a true burning intention from within will eventually manifest according to your own believe in targeting and driving to get it.
“The secret of success is taking things a step at a time, and never ever looking to be drawn back by challenges and set backs".
Henry Ford once said “Failure is that frightful thing you see when you take your eyes off your goal”
See what this guy did to go from Rags to Riches….